30th. It was around eleven-thirty in the night. I was finding it
difficult to fall asleep. ‘Maybe I ate a little too much. That uneasiness is
not letting me sleep’ was the first explanation that occurred. Possible. ‘If I
browse through facebook a little while, maybe I will fall asleep.’ Brilliant! I
took my phone and started browsing through the flood of statues, shares,
selfies – with pouts & new hairstyles, hashtags - #goodbye2015,
#newyearplans, #bff, updated DPs. It took quite a while before I saw one on New
Year Resolutions of celebrities. Some resolved to spend more time with family;
some resolved to maintain that elusive “work-life balance”. Too predictable!
browsed quite a lot, I finally decided to fall asleep. Sleep eluded me still. I
realized that I was hungry too! ‘Oh! So, this was the reason why I couldn’t
sleep.’ Too lazy to go to the kitchen, I thought ‘Maybe if I think about
something deeply, I shall fall asleep during the thought process.’ Fantastic! ‘What
do I think about?’ was the next question. The answer was already there – New
Year resolutions. New Year was just a day away and it wouldn’t do any harm to
come up with a resolution that I could share on facebook and twitter. (Sticking
to it is an entirely different discussion altogether!)
do I begin? For starters, I couldn’t resolve to spend more time with family
because I stay in a hostel. Nor could I resolve for “work-life balance” simply
because I don’t work! Celebrities out of the window, I had to come up with
something more original.
could resolve to use swear words less frequently, perhaps.’ Yes. That would do.
Around two years earlier, when I had just joined the hostel, I remember having
told, lectured rather, a couple of friends on why one shouldn’t use swear
words. “It devalues your words” I had said, without forgetting to add “People
will not respect what you say. They will not respect you as a person.” Just a
semester later, they found that my vocabulary had been enriched by a word or
two, much to my embarrassment! I couldn’t help it, though. The environment
around me had forced that change in me (at least, that is how I justified it to
myself). Now on, I would make a conscious effort to keep it in check – as my
New Year resolution.
of the blue, my phone buzzed – quite badly, much to the displeasure of my
brother who was asleep. One of my friends had texted saying he would probably
not be able to meet before I returned to the hostel. “S**t!” I said out loud
and silently, cursed a little more. Well, giving up swear words was not my cup
of tea, perhaps. I decided to find another one – easier to keep.
could resolve to maintain my journal daily’ I thought. Doable, it seemed. But
then, there were days (& nights) when conversations with friends would
stretch upto three or four in the morning. If I decided to write my journal and
then sleep, I would spend the rest of the next day sleeping! Not practical;
about resolving to regularly update my blog? Say, one post a month.’ Nice. That
way, there would be 12 posts a year. After a couple of years, there would be
two dozen. Combine a few of my previous posts and I could get it printed! What
a feeling that would be – to see my name in print on a book of my own! There
would probably be a short interview by one of the newspapers – on the success
of the book, on how I started writing. The school I studied in would invite me as
a guest to one of its events. That would be a moment to remember!
then remembered that I had made a similar resolution the previous year. And
what a colossal failure it turned out to be! I couldn’t even make half-a-dozen
posts. That realization brought me back to earth. I was no longer on stage as a
guest in my school; I was in bed, thinking hard to come up with a practical New
Year resolution.
that thinking had made me hungrier. ‘I need to get up early and have breakfast.’
That’s it! Breakfast was the answer. All those late-night movies, conversations
and studying (sometimes) caused me to wake up late and I missed breakfast quite
often in the hostel. This New Year would change all that. I would get up early
every day and have breakfast – the “most important meal” of the day! Three good
meals a day would help me put on some weight which I had lost due to skipping
breakfast. I would go to the gym as well, as I had discussed with one of my
friends. Regular work-out and proper food habits would shape my body. I
wouldn’t be surprised if I found a “muscular-me” in the mirror, probably within
the semester.
chain of thoughts went on and I never realized when I fell asleep. The ploy had
worked. More importantly, I had a practical New Year resolution (though not
“cool” enough for public display).
3 days into the New
Year...I had been successful in missing breakfast on all three days!
A true story blog now, is it? :D