Monday, April 11, 2011


Experience is the greatest teacher, they say. But I thought "Why not add exagerration to experience?" After doing so, the result is here......Vishwa is only the mouthpiece for my experience-exagerrated....

A great man has said "You are the creator of your destiny". Maybe, that's true about our life and dreams years down the lane. But, our life for the next 20 minutes or so seems to be predestined. And sometimes, we make the wrong choices at the wrong times to land up in the wrong places. Let me narrate a story:

Vishwa is a young boy, who recently completed his 10th std. exams. Let us hear what he has to say:

 "Recently, fate and choice played "mixed-doubles" with me to send me to a place where time stands still when you have the right set of people - the saree showroom.
The marriage of one of my cousins is round the corner - nearly a month and a half. But time flies: except in the saree showroom, as I have already said. I had been to my aunt's house to lend a helping hand in the preparations - it's holidays and I have no other work to do. It's also said that helping in marriage earns one good karma.- My uncle and I had to then go out on some other errand. We come back to find the house locked!! He immediately called up my aunt and she had gone with another aunt of mine to a nearby saree showroom.
At that point of time, I was presented with two chances - one - to get the key from the neighbouring house; two - to go to the showroom. I made a choice that I would regret over the next 3 hours.
My uncle and I went to that showroom. Infact, the story had just begun. My aunts had settled down just then. The showroom owner was all smiles at the sight of customers. Little did he know that those smiles would not last long!!!!
My uncle and I took our place on the sofa placed there. Probably, the owners knew that such comfort level were required to help sons and husbands, who come with the ladies, to patiently bear those never-ending hours. At first, the "marketing rep." displayed sarees by selecting them himself. He gave an elaborate description of the design, the fabric and the present trend in the market. My uncle had a new-found pal in the young son of one of the customers. Even the kid seemed to be at ease with his new friend. Even I took part in my uncle's talk with his friend. After sometime, I checked my watch - we had been in the showroom for nearly an hour already. And the deal seemed to be getting nowhere. The smile had slightly fadedfrom the "marketing rep."s face. Yet he managed to carry on.
We - the patiently waiting people -  were served tea: the tea was great: anything would seem great if you wait for that a huge span of time. But it didn't end there. The "marketing rep." was now showing sarees my aunts chose. Slowly the sarees rose in a mountain around the "marketing rep." Still, my aunts were not satisfied. The AC in the showroom made me feel sick. My uncle was dozing off. Yet, my aunts took no notice. They seemed to be in a world of their own, oblivious to what was happening around.
Another hour gone. I started taking a stroll around the showroom. From one position, I could sight the "marketing rep."s face - they were gleaming with beads of sweat!! Poor guy! He was having a real tough time! I go and sit next to my aunts. Then, they realised that uncle and I were there. They decided to wrap up  the deal in another few minutes.
They took another 20 minutes to choose a saree for themselves. I went and woke my uncle up. He went and washed his face in the restroom and had another cup of tea before my aunts came. They had taken another half hour to bargain. And finally we returned home.
Sorry if my story was too long - I think I deserve that after having spent nearly three hours in the saree showroom, don't I??"

This is the story of  Vishwa, who probably woke up on the left-side of the bed that day. May peace be with him. And, may he not make such a wrong decision again!!!


  1. hello...i read you're story in the young world. it was really nice!
    can u please tel me how u sent it 2 the news paper?

  2. Dear Simha,
    I happen to read this in The Hindu youngworld which lead me to your blog and i read the rest of your posts.
    Kudos to you and its amazing that @ a very young age you have plethora of ideas and the terse style of your writing is tasteful and well finished. All the posts deserve accolades.
    Keep going and expand the horizons of central ideas.
    Simha Rocks....
    Pavan Kumar
