The characters that shall appear in the course of the narration are slightly real and slight fictional. The characteristics are slightly more real and slightly less fictional. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO THOSE LIVING OR DEAD IS NOT COINCIDENTAL. HOWEVER IT IS NOT INTENDED TO HURT ANYONE. Vishwa, who was busy wih his own works is back to share is experience again!!!!
"I had tried to devise ways many ways of spending time in holidays. Unfortunately none of them were realistic enough to be implemented. Don't bother to find out what I had planned. And I won't bother telling them to you. And one fine day, my music master told us of a workshop that he would conduct for a week. It was open to students and non-students too. Having nothing else to do, I enrolled myself for the workshop.
On the opening day, I was shocked to find that there were more non-students - or atleast those students I had not come across - than students. The workshop had a fair share of representation of all age-groups : young 'uns, teenagers, working men and women, housewives, retired people - everybody. And we men - including all age groups except the young 'uns - were a minority: accounting not even 13% of the total number of attendees!!! 'Alas!' I said to myself.
But as the workshop progressed, I realised all was not lost. We men being the minority gave me an opportunity to observe what was happening around me - we men did not chatter away, though we did talk!! And my observations are the essence of this narration.
"Understanding a woman's mind is the toughest task" - I have heard in some movie. "How true!" - I felt during the course of the workshop. They seem to have built those high walls of ego around themselves and seldom do they come out of their fortresses. A small correction by another lady hurts their ego. Though they know they are on the wrong, they fail to accept that; and when they do, they do it grudgingly. And the lady who corrected seems to derive great pleasure when they correct at her command!! I don't know if the other male students or the master observed this; but I did and laughed to myself.
And there was this young girl - hardly 12 years old. But she seemed to command the other young 'uns. One of the male students called the elderly Ms.Correction and told "That girl is much like yourself...Bossing around". I don't know what both the Ms.Corrections felt. But that remark seemed to drain the colour off their faces. How embarassing it must have been for them to receive such a comment in front of everybody - specially the other ladies!! I silently wished "God save the man who made that comment!"
There was another lady. God seemed to have been unfair - very unfair - to her. She was a dwarf. I don't know how old she is, but according to me, she isn't too young to qualify for the young 'uns category. She did not seem to mind initially - being in that category. But when you receive glares from someone who is very much younger to you,- and if you are a lady - you don't like it, do you?
Well, that young Ms.Correction did not seem mature enough to understand all that, though she appeared to be aged enough to boss over her fellow students!!
Though I observed so many things happening around me, I never really understood what real pleasure women get when they hurt a fellow woman's feelings...ego rather. May be I would have if men and women were from the same planet.(Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus - it is believed to be so.).
And no doubt that great thinkers believe that women have been the greatest mystery in the universe!!"
"I had tried to devise ways many ways of spending time in holidays. Unfortunately none of them were realistic enough to be implemented. Don't bother to find out what I had planned. And I won't bother telling them to you. And one fine day, my music master told us of a workshop that he would conduct for a week. It was open to students and non-students too. Having nothing else to do, I enrolled myself for the workshop.
On the opening day, I was shocked to find that there were more non-students - or atleast those students I had not come across - than students. The workshop had a fair share of representation of all age-groups : young 'uns, teenagers, working men and women, housewives, retired people - everybody. And we men - including all age groups except the young 'uns - were a minority: accounting not even 13% of the total number of attendees!!! 'Alas!' I said to myself.
But as the workshop progressed, I realised all was not lost. We men being the minority gave me an opportunity to observe what was happening around me - we men did not chatter away, though we did talk!! And my observations are the essence of this narration.
"Understanding a woman's mind is the toughest task" - I have heard in some movie. "How true!" - I felt during the course of the workshop. They seem to have built those high walls of ego around themselves and seldom do they come out of their fortresses. A small correction by another lady hurts their ego. Though they know they are on the wrong, they fail to accept that; and when they do, they do it grudgingly. And the lady who corrected seems to derive great pleasure when they correct at her command!! I don't know if the other male students or the master observed this; but I did and laughed to myself.
And there was this young girl - hardly 12 years old. But she seemed to command the other young 'uns. One of the male students called the elderly Ms.Correction and told "That girl is much like yourself...Bossing around". I don't know what both the Ms.Corrections felt. But that remark seemed to drain the colour off their faces. How embarassing it must have been for them to receive such a comment in front of everybody - specially the other ladies!! I silently wished "God save the man who made that comment!"
There was another lady. God seemed to have been unfair - very unfair - to her. She was a dwarf. I don't know how old she is, but according to me, she isn't too young to qualify for the young 'uns category. She did not seem to mind initially - being in that category. But when you receive glares from someone who is very much younger to you,- and if you are a lady - you don't like it, do you?
Well, that young Ms.Correction did not seem mature enough to understand all that, though she appeared to be aged enough to boss over her fellow students!!
Though I observed so many things happening around me, I never really understood what real pleasure women get when they hurt a fellow woman's feelings...ego rather. May be I would have if men and women were from the same planet.(Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus - it is believed to be so.).
And no doubt that great thinkers believe that women have been the greatest mystery in the universe!!"